MONTANA...High, wide, and about to be pounced on!


Montana, the Americans for Prosperity nitwits are here and their grand entrance onto the Opinion Page of the Helena Independent Record Dec. 2, 2020 tells us they are flexing their muscles.  The election must have given them some sort of mandate to run roughshod over all of us.  

Their mission statement sounds harmless enough with words like "every person has unique gifts that enable them to realize their American dream."  They are also in favor of "eliminating burdensome regulations."  

Their educational planning is perhaps the most worrisome.  They insist the Public funding of our school system is old and not working.  They would prefer we send our tax dollars to their religious/charter/private schools(?) to educate children the right way.  Of course, they are a tax-free kind of group:  We don't pay taxes but we'd love to have some of yours.

Americans for Prosperity, founded in 2004, is a libertarian-conservative political advocacy group in the United States funded by David Koch and Charles Koch.  As the Koch brothers' primary political advocacy group, it is one of the most influential American conservative organizations.  It's president is Tim Phillips and reports to have a membership of 2.3 million (2013).  Americans for Prosperity reports its founders as David and Charles Koch.  It's legal status is 501(c)(4).  They show expenses for 2014 at $90,412,075.

It is said to be a right-wing political advocacy group founded by the Koch Brothers as their "grassroots" operation, also known as astroturf.  Their mission is to work for a "free and Open Society."

I am sure the Guest View jabber in today's Helena newspaper is an open salvo of much to come.  We are in for a battle, Montanans, and we had best be ready.  

The Montana state director for AFP is David Herbst.

Remember that name.  You'll be hearing a lot of noise out of him.

And I'll be making a few squeaks myself.



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