Hold my reins, I'm gettin' a whiskey...

Montana politics just took a Right turn of disastrously evil proportions and we can either go along for the ride,  "get the hell outta Dodge," or do something about it.

But first, let's get to know our newly elected governor a little better.

Gregory Richard Gianforte, was born April 17, 1961 in San Diego, CA. After the age of three, he was raised in Valley Forge and King of Prussia  suburbs northeast of Philadelphia, PA.  He began his career at Bell Laboratories in 1983 and in 1985 moved to Bozeman, MT where he began RightNow Technologies.  One of his executive employees was the future Senator Steve Daines.  Gianforte sold his company to Oracle Corp. for $1.5 Billion in 2011.

Gianforte believes in Young Earth creationism despite scientific evidence to the contrary.  He has donated at least $290,000 to the Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum, which teaches visitors that the theory of evolution is false, that the Earth is about 6,00o-6,400 years old, and that humans and dinosaurs coexisted during the same period of time. He claims dinosaurs were aboard Noah's Ark, and that they likely went extinct 4,300 years ago during the great flood. Paleontologist Jack Horner calls the Glendive Dinosaur "not a museum at all."

Gianforte indicated in 2017 that he owns $150,000 worth of shares in VanEck Vectors Russia ETF and $92,400 in the IShares MSCF Russia ETF, totaling just under $250,000 in funds focused on investments in Russia. Some are raising eyebrows because they are included in holdings which are subject to U.S. sanctions imposed after the Russian invasion of Crimea.

One note that seems rather important to me is this:  On the eve of the election in 2017, Gianforte didn't appreciate a reporter named Ben Jacobs with The Guardian asking him a straight-forward question about his take on the Affordable Healthcare Act, so he body-slammed him to the ground.  He was fined, sentenced to community service, and ordered to attend anger management therapy. It was later reported that he lied to the judge at his sentencing.

I don't know about you, but he is beginning to remind me of someone.  Someone with the initials of DJT, maybe.  

We can't take our eyes off of Gov.-elect Greg Gianforte.  And we need to be closely watching Sen. Daines and OPI Superintendent Elsie Arntzen, as well.  They are all from the same political incubator, and they are up to no good for Montana!

There will be much more to write about, and what our "last best place" is in for, when these three are sworn in.  My guess is it will be the moment of that "perfect storm" when these three gas giants make their alignment in the firmament.


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