Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Evil They Do. . .


 The Evil of Some Republican Elephants

"The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones."

Evil! There is no other way to describe it. The workings of the Republican Party is definitely not about politics. Since the 2020 election, there isn't a political bone in their body. They are on a tirade of pure, unmitigated evil and a destruction of our democracy and some of our very lives. 

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida says he will withhold school funding and officials' pay if they permit students to wear masks in school against his orders to ban mask mandates. EVIL!

Governor Greg Abbott of Texas says he will arrest any Democrat Legislator upon their return to Texas soil. The legislators left the Republican members without a quorum to proceed with a bill that would become the most outrageous voter suppression law in the history of the country. EVIL!

The Republican members of the U.S. House and Senate worked with the former president to overturn the 2020 presidential election. EVIL!

The Republican members of the U.S. House and Senate worked with the former president to cause an insurrection against our Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. EVIL!

The former president, with the help of many congressional members of the Republican Party, conspired to force our Department of Justice to declare the 2020 presidential election full of fraud and declare the former president winner. EVIL!

It is not enough to defeat Republican Candidates who are running for offices across the country.  We must show their party that America no longer wants their brand of extreme and confrontational behavior.  We have no more time for their propensity toward evil and "civil war-like" posturing. Their thirst for power and authoritarian rule ends now!

Hopefully, the only winner in 2022, 2024, and beyond will be AMERICA!


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