Bad Guys in the Big Sky. . .

Maybe you have read about the bad ol' days of 1863-1864 when Henry Plummer was elected Sheriff of Bannack, Montana. He was accused of being the leader of a "road agent" gang of outlaws!  Well, we have our modern day "Henry Plummer" - Attorney General Austin Knudsen - who is in lock step with Governor Gianforte and all of their rowdy friends in the State Legislature.

Think about this handling by Knudsen of a typical "gun-tottin' don't fence me in" Republican who is roaming the streets and shops of our nation.

Rodney Robert Smith was criminally charged with felony assault with a weapon and misdemeanor assault by the Lewis and Clark County Attorney's Office after allegedly showing a holstered firearm to a Helena restaurant employees who repeatedly asked him to wear a face mask - which was a statewide mask requirement at the time. He was charged with two misdemeanors for carrying a concealed weapon and doing so in a prohibited place, in this case one where alcoholic beverages are consumed.

"Those are the charges Knudsen's office directed the County Attorney's office to drop against Smith. Smith did not have a current concealed weapons permit at the time.  Smith also knocked over water glasses on the table and then shoved a restaurant employee. When other workers tried to restrain him, Smith was accused of hitting an employee in the genitals several times and then pinning that staff member to a wall.  Smith then exposed a handgun he had in a black holster on his waistband. He patted it with his hand and made a statement to (an employee) to the effect of "I'm going to get you," according to the affidavit."              Helena Independent Record 8/17/2021

The case was to go to trial the end of August, but Smith's attorney last Wednesday filed an unopposed motion to delay, citing the general counsel for the Attorney General's Office now representing the state and engaging in settlement discussions with Smith's lawyer.

AG Knudsen has removed the case from the Lewis and Clark County Attorney and is now handling it himself.

This is about as flagrant as it gets - even for the flagrance of this administration.

Consider Smith's attitude in the restaurant. He came in to bully anyone who would challenge him to put on a mask. He went to the extreme in criminal assault and actually threatening employees with a concealed weapon!

This is Gianforte's and Knudsen's style of justice in Montana. We saw the evil ooze out of their legislative cohorts - now we see it in the Executive Branch, as well.

Enjoy, Montana - these are your picks  for how we will evolve into states like Texas, Mississippi, or Florida. Yaaaa-Hoo, Y'all!



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