Are the "End Times" just around the corner?

How did we get here, America?

How did we let a guy named Trump invite all of these crazies into our lives?  They have taken over our politics, our way of life, and our nightmares!  We have not been the same since Jan. 20, 2017.

The first time was when America fell and broke apart on April 12, 1861. We became two peoples, and one decided they would kill off the other and become a new nation.  They would rule the country from coast to coast and from border to border.  They would no longer be "we the people," but rather "we the slave owners."

This man named Trump came along and said America would no longer be "we the people," but rather "we the belligerent, the defiant, the new order, the devil's brigade...the crazies!"

When Trump left in 2020, the "new order" hung around. They are hunkered down in our U.S. House and Senate, they are in some of our State Capitols, they are our next door neighbors, and they are our nemeses! They are waiting to pounce on anything and anybody that smells like a democracy. They insist the "new order" will give each of us our total freedom to do as we chose and the hell with law and order. No longer will there be restrictions on anything - unless they deem it so.

This is the cult that has grabbed the reins of our government. They have managed to turn our democracy into a mockery. They represent 35% of our total population, but nearly 100% of our media's time and our awakening thoughts. They have tarnished our image and lessened our credibility around the world. Their continual fight to restore the former president's corrupt administration is wearing on America's nerves. In short, this den of iniquity has brought America to its knees!

Trump is the beginning, the totality, and hopefully the ending of our problems, should he chose to do so. At this point, his band of cult followers will only listen to him, and as "juiced up" as they are, the possibility of listening to him might have already slipped away.

Trump is never coming back. Everyone understands that, but his minions of mayhem have never left. They are locked and loaded and ready to ride again.

We have to end this horror show - and soon!


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