". . . and leave the rest to me!"

"Just say it was corrupt...and leave the rest to me... and the Republicans." 

Those were the former president's words in a phone call to Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen on Dec. 27, 2020. 

The names of Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Sen. Ron Johnson  (R-Wisconsin) were written on the note. They are two of the most vocal and active "Stop the Steal" agitators in the U.S. House and Senate, and the former president's biggest supporters.

This was how the former president was going to begin his coup to overturn the 2020 Presidential Election. All he needed was to get the United States Department of Justice to proclaim the election was corrupt and needed to be shut down. He would take it from there!

He would begin his calls to Republican-controlled state election officials asking them to declare their election results were riddled with fraud and the officials would rule that Biden did not win. Believe it or not, a state election official has that power!  Partially hidden in all of the current voter suppression laws are laws to give those officials even more power. A Republican-controlled State Legislature will even be able to remove state election officials and replace them with loyal GOP people. Remember, state officials decide how many electoral votes goes to a candidate.

The former president had loyal members in our U.S. House and Senate all line up to do his bidding to demolish our democracy. In many ways, most of them are still working for him today!

All of this corruption is one of those stories than defy belief. How did one very evil president gain the admiration and loyalty of our elected members of congress to carry out this coup? There is no easy answer.  Why has the Republican Party acquiesced to such a man? Why did they sell the possibility of their souls and their political futures just to keep an evil tyrant in power for four more years?

The final attempt made by the former president and his loyal congressional stooges was to incite the insurrection, have them storm the Capitol and stop the official Electoral College vote results that were happening that day -  Jan. 6, 2021. That, also, failed!

We can now all wait for these truths to come out during the House's Jan. 6th Investigation of the Insurrection. And come out, they will!

One thing that is always true:  Truth will always win out!

Some Republicans have yet to learn that, however.


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