Are They Too Big To Fail?

It needs to notice that the "rider" has left

It's possible that a wounded and cornered elephant could still muster a final charge against an opponent. But, the elephant has an incredible ability to remember how great it was in its "glory days." It hardly ever took "second place" to anyone. The elephants had credibility. They had followers who believed in what they stood for. They were the "Grand Old Party!

Today, that animal is in big trouble.  

It allowed itself to be "taken in" by a charlatan. It let itself be used as a follower instead of a leader. It gave in to the "dark side" of politics and was drug through the muck and mire of deceit and outright lies! It must have seen it coming, but did nothing to stop it. In simple terms, it was bamboozled by a huckster who needed a major political party to do his bidding.

The charlatan is gone and the elephants can go back to their former life. They do not need to "praise Caesar" any longer. They have millions of friends who do not want the lying and corruption. There must be enough of their brothers and sisters in congress who are ready to face their opponents with good debating instead of personal attacks and hostile threats.  Working outside of our rules of law is pure corruption and criminal. 

They seem unable to untie themselves from the ludicrous behavior of "the con man." The elephants are huddled in a corner, and striking out at the world. They have become their own worst enemy.

Who can explain that there is a life after the "Kraken" has been banished? Who can get through to them?

What will it take for the elephants to gather their courage and get back to the "glory days?"  When will they cancel out this dark side of their lives and fight for what's best for the herd?

Inquiring minds want to know.


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