The Arizona Adventure in Never-Never Land. . .

The Republicans are having a hell of a time keeping their lies and skullduggery straight. Even the best of them are tripping over their own plans to move our country straight from a democracy to an ugly state of authoritarianism. Consider the fiasco taking place in Arizona regarding the 2020 election.  

A letter to Senate Republicans from Jack Sellers, chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors - Arizona's largest county - said, "It is now August 2021 and the election of November 2020 is over. If you haven't figured out that the election in Maricopa County was free, fair, and accurate yet, I'm not sure you ever will."  He continued, "The Board has real work to do and little time to entertain this adventure in never-never land. Please finish whatever it is that your are doing and release whatever it is you are going to release."

Arizona Republicans and Cyber Ninjas, whose CEO, Doug Logan, is a proponent of Trump's bogus election fraud claims, began their sideshow review in April. The company, which had no experience auditing elections, completed a recount last month - a process that compromised voting equipment that will likely need to be replaced on taxpayers' dime. They have demanded that the county turn over even more material, including its computer routers, which Trump screamed out at a rally, "We want the routers!" 

"The 'Big Lie' is not actually about reversing the Arizona 2020 election, but rather undermining future elections, sowing doubt in the process and justifying the slate of disenfranchisement laws Republicans have been rushing to enact in Arizona and elsewhere!"          by Vanity Fair - Eric Lutz

The fight by many Republicans to overturn elections and drag our nation into a land ruled by authoritarians is real and it is happening now. This is not a wild-eyed conspiracy theory by some crackpot liberal.  If you watch news on any channel other than FOX, you will learn about it. 

Get involved or get out of the way.



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