My Last Blog. . .

The United States of America almost came to an end on Jan. 6, 2021.

The struggle to get Republicans to admit that the deadly insurrection that day was seriously treasonous is brain-numbing. The attack on our Capitol building was carefully planned by the then-president and soon-to-be-identified Republican members of Congress. Their goal had a singular purpose: Overturn the election results of the Electoral College that were being voted on that very day!

But for the brave officers from the Capitol Police Department and the Metropolitan Police Department, the dirty deed might have been carried out. There were only 150 to 200 of them against nearly 10,000 mostly-armed and dangerous domestic terrorists. The president chose to watch it all unfold on television as he hunkered down in his Oval Office. He chose to neither call for more help nor call on his terrorist minions to stand down. His vision was clear: Overturn the election!

There were also threats from the mob to "hang Mike Pence" and "kill Nancy Pelosi."  Curiously, they are the two in the line of succession to the presidency. 

This enterprise of ruthless traitors (from the president to a majority of Republican members in the U.S. House and Senate) carried out the worst attack on our government in America history - and it should give us all pause to think how close it came to coming to fruition. 

Today, none of those congressional traitors are yet to be brought up on charges. However, true to form in our justice system, many of the 10,000 have been and various sentences have been handed out. It is well reported that various congressional members had given suspicious "tours" the days before the Jan. 6th attack and many still openly say the election was stolen.

We can hope that the House Committee on Jan. 6th will bear fruit and put the corrupt individuals out of office and return sanity to our government!

Maybe this was a dry run.  Maybe it will happen again.  We already know of many "red states" who have passed laws to put key "loyalists" into "Election Official" positions in order to overturn election results that they do not like. 

Our democracy is a fragile thing, at best, and when the Grand Old Republican Party is hell-bent on kicking it to the curb, it becomes a nearly untenable situation.  When we all fight for it, however, we are the greatest nation on earth!

A democracy works best when it works for everyone.

Ah, but there is the rub. . . a Republican's idea of government only works best when it only works for the Republicans!

An Opinion by John Watson


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