The Real GOP Problem. . .

The Grand Old Party has left the political world and is dealing in pure evil. They have tossed overboard any Party Platforms they might have had and are now shooting from the hip. If political normalcy was ever considered, it is but a distant memory.

Their complain of government being too big is no longer an issue.  The problem now is they are just flat-out against our government, regardless of the size! It appears the Republicans have decided our democracy is much too confining for their liking. The rules of law make it hard for them to maneuver, the Legislative Branch has too many people who prefer majority rules, the Judicial System won't always rule in favor of their side, and the Executive Branch is "the other guys."  

The new census report shows that by 2045 American whites will be in the minority. That's only 24 years from now and it is scaring the pants off the GOP who were once a nearly all "white men only" private membership club.  Added to this is the increasingly huge number of women in politics  and all other segments of our businesses. America will become a majority of people of color, blended color, sexual preference, and ethnicity. A true definition of what our nation has always been referred to: a "true melting pot."

This, in a nut shell, is what is pushing the Republicans over the edge. They are attacking everything and everybody who is not like them. They are fighting against our democracy because their frame of mind right now is more aligned with an authoritarian or autocracy form of government.

While many of them doubt it today, most of them know they cannot win this fight. America has been not only a democracy but one that has led the world in democratic freedoms and equality for all. We are a nation that will always be known as the "shinning city on the hill." 

The majority of Americans will always be opposed to 
what the Republicans are doing today.



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