Thursday, August 31, 2023

Building a Lie on Florida's White Sandy Beaches . . .

 We're all Exhaustipated!

Am I the only one who remembers the Bible Story about building your house on white sandy  beaches - not even mentioning that the beach is technically inches below sea level? 

Folks, I think I can speak for darn near everyone when I say we are exhaustipated with how we have to come to the defense (of the defenseless) every year during hurricane season. 

Florida alone has 8,436 miles of coastline that is about six inches below sea level on a good day. When hurricanes come knocking, everyone with a grey cell or two will know what is going to happen along those 8,436 miles. And, there is always heavy damage inland, as well.''

I'm thinking most of us would love to move to the land of white sandy beaches, ocean breezes, three pubs five steps from everyone's lounge chair, and all kinds of pretty women in bikinis. All we would need is a $5,000 trailer house and a few square feet of sand to park it. Or, the more affluent of us could spring for a nice little seaside cottage.

What the heck; if Hurricane Harry comes to pay us a visit and leaves us with nothing, there are buckets of money from empathetic souls who will help us get back on our feet - and back to our beach home that is already sitting inches below sea lever year-round!

And, how many of these Florida folks do you think are climate change deniers, too?

Mother Nature is getting a great giggle out of us patsies. 

"Exhaustipated" just doesn't explain the half of it!

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

We've got a lovely bunch of bananas. . .

Everyone  has a right to voice their own opinion. Everyone also has a right to disagree with another's opinion. 

But, no one has a right to shut down someone's civil and logical disagreement with contempt and rudeness.  

For example, I was called aside during a condo association get-together by a fat head who always disagrees with how I think the lawn sprinkling system should be adjusted. This jerk is always adding his two-cents worth of gibberish into everyone's business. He's nearly always wrong and refuses to give in!

We all know how these warped, political cretins act.

I have my doubts that this nation is going to hold together for another five or six years because of guys like this. And, I know how he votes and it ain't good. 

America is heading for one of two places:  Hell in a handbasket, or another "banana republic boat ride." 

Why can't everybody just ease up on the gas pedal. . . start smelling the flowers along the road. . . and just accept things the way I explain it to them! I am hardly ever wrong - and this ain't one of them!

Now, take your miserable, worthless opinions somewhere else. We ain't got time for your nonsense. We're trying to get stuff done here.


Sunday, August 27, 2023

Pogo and the Land of MAGA. . .

Walt Kelly, creator of the Pogo comic strip that ran in daily newspapers from 1948 to 1973, got it absolutely right. The strip was set in Georgia's Okefenokee Swamp and was populated by animals talking in a fractured southern dialect. 

My favorite line in the strip has always been "we have met the enemy and he is us."

Today's version of the original Grand Old Party of Republicans is starring at themselves in the mirror and wondering what in the hell happened. They have, indeed, met the enemy - and it is, indeed, them!  They have allowed a charlatan and a ghost of Adolph Hitler  to carry their banner. Upon achieving power, Hitler smashed the nation's democratic institutions and transformed Germany into a war-like state and cast aside millions of victims who he deemed inferior or undesirable - "life unworthy of life" - among them all who did not look like, act like, or think like, himself. 

How was it all possible? Hitler addressed continuous political meetings  (rallies), and called for a replacement of what he saw as an incompetent and inefficient democratic regime. This new order was distinguished by an authoritarian political system based on a leadership structure in which authority flowed downward from a supreme nation leader. In a new Germany, all citizens would unselfishly serve the state, democracy would be abolished; and individual rights sacrificed for the good of the fuhrer state!

We must never believe it cannot happen here. The first step will be a charismatic and domineering  scoundrel who will take up the banner. The second step is to sell the idea that a democracy no longer works (for himself). 

According to some, the first two steps have already been carried out here in America.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Head Rooster Is Struttin' His Stuff. . .

 Trump's Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost

For whom does the bell at the jail house toll?  It tolls for thee, if thee is a member of Trump's Traitors-for-hire hit squad.

The democracy-haters are streaming into the jail house in Atlanta with arrest warrants in hand, a bevy of attorneys, and sobbing into their coat sleeves. They are ready to make deals, throw others under the bus, and walk on their knees before the judge. Whatever will save their worthless hides!

In other words, the squawking little chicken varmints are coming home to roost!

"Shall we gather at the jail house,
   Shall we let 'em shoot our mugs?
Shall we be quiet as a jail mouse?
  Or, shall we show we're just Trump's thugs?"

Let the gigantic GoFund Drive begin as the thousands of attorneys start turning in their bills.


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution


It is the Duty of our Department of Justice


The 14th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution -  

Section 3:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature,, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

If we are truly looking for the path out of this den of iniquity, it has already been handed to us by our founders. It is simple, it is coherent, and it is written in words our grandchildren can read and understand.

It is our job to see that it is carried out!  

Monday, August 21, 2023

Oh, give me a home where the Republicans DON'T roam.

AG Austin Knudsen Rides Again

The head of the Montana "StormTroopers" has accused one of the state's most prominent abortion providers of falsifying records and "flagrantly " violating state law by withholding required reports about sexual assault against minors and statutory rape, suggesting that similar alleged inaction by the organization "could be happening with human trafficking's victims."

These were comments made by  Republican Attorney General in a radio interview on July 3 that harken back to a conspiracy theory suggested ten years ago that the national Planned Parenthood organization abets human trafficking. 

A spokesperson for the Montana Planned Parenthood shot down Knudsen's conspiracy theory as "baseless."

This malicious charge that Planned Parenthood is encouraging or abetting someone to commit human trafficking is  "Trumpesque" and gives the current administration of Montanan Republicans an all new low.

We can't get rid of these "Montana Yahoos" fast enough!

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Stupified and Frustipated. . .

 They're laughing at us and we ain't doing nothin' about it!

Hasn't anyone even looked at the political mess we're in? 

I can remember when the Democrat Party used to stand up on its hind legs and get things straightened out post-haste! There was no chance an adversary would "run out the clock" by constant delays on court calendars. No crook ever got away with slimy and unheard of interpretations of our rule of law. The guilty never told the court if or when they would respond to subpoenas.  And if the bad guy threatened the judge, jury, or witnesses - they would go straight to jail! But, those crimes are but the tip of the iceberg.

The January 6th Insurrection was 946 days ago. That's 135 Weeks ago. That's 2.60 years ago. And that, we are being told, is possibly still years from jailing the guilty

And all the while, the guilty are cranking out donor money from their rich friends like crazy.  They need money for legal fees and trips to the next campaign junket. It's like plucking feathers from the next pan-sized chicken dinner. At least one of them - the leader of the cult - is running for President of the United States again - and he's leading with a wide margin!

We Democrats sit around a watch the entire debacle unfolding on television and in real time. . . and we seem to be content to just sit back and watch our rule of law rewrite itself.

I'm stupified and frustipated! 


Saturday, August 19, 2023

Could Montana GOP find any worse candidates?

 Delusions of grandeur

One's own belief about his power, wealth, talents, and other traits. A person may believe, for instance, that they are famous, can end world wars, or that they are immortal.

Such is a man known to Montana as Rep. Matt Rosendale. His fearless leader, Donald J. Trump, is made of the same damaged and twisted material. 

Montana - and the nation - watched  in horror at what Trump's delusional traits did to our country's political scene a few years ago. Included in this warped delusion of grandeur character flaw is a love of White Nationalism. Again, Both Trump and Rosendale are deep-in-the-woods fascinated with that concept.

Montana needs to take a very close look at Rosendale's future in Montana politics. He is about as far from what we need right now as any politician that has ever slithered into our state. 

There are others hiding in the Republican weeds in Montana, as well. Let's expose their wild and crazy ideas now!



Wednesday, August 16, 2023

A Real Live Criminal Enterprise - That Was A Joke. . .

 It was supposed to work like he said it would. It was supposed to make him not only the United States President again, but maybe even something better. Maybe after he gained full control of his criminal enterprise of nitwits and would-be thugs, he would rise to full-nation power. One tiny problem with the plan, however, was overlooked in his rush to get the lieutenants and sergeants he needed to carry out the task.  He chose, instead, nitwits and Republican clowns.

Who knew? His "base of fighters" were on board and carrying out their leader's mob wishes. The elected congressional myna birds were repeatedly broadcasting their leader's orders to all available television reporters,  and the fast-talking FOX untruthful lies-for-money was always available.

So how did it go so wrong?

"The Party told us to reject the evidence of our eyes and ears. It was the final, most essential command." That line is from George Orwell's book, 1984, and Trump thought America would fall for all of it! 

Fortunately, there were more of us than there were of them. There was more good in America than there was bad in them.

His aim was to control a criminal enterprise of cabinet-level idiots, congressional twits, seemingly hundreds of glory-seeking attorneys, and our state-level traitors. The brain and bluster of the "Cyber Ninjas" who attempted to recount Arizona's ballots and went down in flames didn't help him much, either. 

It was all a bad, bad nightmare and maybe it will end some day.

From what I can tell, the only thing it will really have accomplished for America is this: The Republican Party will be gasping for air and on life support for a long, long time.

An Opinion By
John Watson

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

A Big Glob of Orange Gunk. . .

 The wizard of ahhhs (and ooohs) is nearing the end of his yellow brick road and preparing to hide behind the curtain one more time. He will then summon the strength to throw the switch in his land of make-believe and disappear into the alleys of Emerald City.  There, he will command his Flying Monkeys to make one more flight.  They will carry a banner proclaiming to the people of America that he really did win in 2020!"

You see, it was that damn crowd down in Georgia that screwed up everything for me. 

"So, take flight, my pretties, and dive-bomb the hell out of that Atlanta judge and her minions with orange-colored water balloons!"

He cursed them all and yelled "This will be the night the lights really do out in Georgia. They will rue the day they messed with the Donald. They would . . . er, wait, they would. . . ugh. . . they would. . . "No. . . Help me, I'm melting. . . Good God!  I'm melting into a big puddle of orange gunk!"

The End.

Montana's Caustic Candidates. . .

The Faster They Come -  The Worser They Look

The candidates are stacking up like firewood at the old Montana Republican Headquarters. 

The Republicans are filled with pee and vinegar after they put together a supermajority in the state legislature last session. It has filled their little minds with visions of sugarplums and dancing elephants as they foresee a MAGA/Republican in every political office in Montana!

OPI Chief Arntzen is planning to move into the U.S. House, Ryan Zinke wants to stay in the other U.S. House (and he has another house in California), Tim Sheehy (the new kid on the block) will fit right in with the U. S. Senate, and Matt Rosendale will practice up on his "white nationalist hand signs" as he hopes to get the Montana Representative spot at the White Nationalist headquarters. 

These, of course, will all be possible since the Montana Republican Party has blanketed the state with their Trump/MAGA  playbook. And, the Montana Voters seem to be voting in lockstep with the "anti-democratic" movement that has taken place.

(sigh). . .  We have a lot of work to do, folks.


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

It Has To Be Said. . .

"Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Lord Acton, a British historian of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries made an observation that a person's sense of morality  lessens as his or her power increases.

With the actions taken following the presidential election of 2020 and the  insurrection of Jan. 6, 2021, our nation has been teetering on the brink of disaster.  One of the major political parties of our nation has decided that if they cannot win an election by the rules of our government, they will take control by force. 

The goals of the Republican Party have not changed significantly; their traitorous goals have simply become more transparent for all to see!  

With more failures at the polls, they have been driven to expose their corrupt plans. The nation is now fully aware of their need to cast out our constitution, rule of law, department of justice and democracy in order to implement their autocratic rule. 

Our right to vote will be one of the first victims.  The entire court system will become either under their total rule or done away with altogether. We can only guess which of our other rights will fall at their hands.

This is not a threat by them -  this is a fact, as we see it already happening in key states they now control. 

We must be diligent and not let any of these traitors to our nation  be successful in future elections. To do so would see the failure of our democracy!   

Friday, August 4, 2023

Let the war begin. . .

Tim Sheehy: Bought and Paid For

Tim Sheehy, candidate for U.S. Senate, spoke at a conclave of Republican Trump/MAGA acolytes Thursday at the Gallatin Gateway for a Town Hall moderated by the America First Policy Institute, a right-wing think tank founded by former adviser to Donald Trump.

Sheehy, a former Navy SEAL, appears to be the obvious  choice - from those in attendance -  to unseat Sen. Jon Tester.  He also has the backing of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell as well as Gov. Gianforte and U.S. Senator Steve Daines. Rep. Matt Rosendale will decide later whether he may  be a candidate for the seat, as well.

Montana State Library Commissioner Tammy Hall kicked off the town hall of a few dozen in attendance with a prayer and then followed up with a salvo of "things to come" for the future political landscape and questions for the group:  

"We are in war, do you agree?"

"Yes!" was the overwhelming response.

"We are. . . on several fronts," Hall continued. "These gentlemen will be telling you about the wars coming at us from outside. I'm telling you about the war inside by the people who want to destroy America. And they're out there, do you agree?"


"Joe Biden can't beat Trump at the ballot box, so he's trying to throw him in prison!" 

There will be so much to learn about Tim Sheehy. He does live and work in Montana - since 2014. His time as a Navy SEAL is admirable, but we also know of other Navy SEALS we have learned to avoid like the plague!

More about this race in future blogs.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Montana, We Hardly know Ye . . .

Tales From Two Twits

Two members of the Montana congressional delegation were quick to dismiss an indictment accusing Donald Trump of attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

U.S. Sen. Steve Daines characterized the indictment revealed by the U.S. Department of Justice as a weapon wielded by Pres. Joe Biden against his challenger in the 2024 presidential election.

Eastern Montana's U.S. Matt Rosendale took to Twitter shortly after the indictment news dropped and suggested it was Biden who was engaged in election interference. Later, speaking on the "Bannon War Room" Show, Rosendale said Trump was the only person in power on Jan. 6, 2021 who attempted to stop the storming of the Capitol, which disrupted the certification of the 2020 presidential election. 

For anyone who isn't aware, the "Bannon War Room" was hosted by indicted crook Steve Bannon who ran this den of iniquity as the battle plan headquarters for the Jan. 6th Insurrection.

Montana. . . these two twits need to be replaced as soon as possible!