Tuesday, August 29, 2023

We've got a lovely bunch of bananas. . .

Everyone  has a right to voice their own opinion. Everyone also has a right to disagree with another's opinion. 

But, no one has a right to shut down someone's civil and logical disagreement with contempt and rudeness.  

For example, I was called aside during a condo association get-together by a fat head who always disagrees with how I think the lawn sprinkling system should be adjusted. This jerk is always adding his two-cents worth of gibberish into everyone's business. He's nearly always wrong and refuses to give in!

We all know how these warped, political cretins act.

I have my doubts that this nation is going to hold together for another five or six years because of guys like this. And, I know how he votes and it ain't good. 

America is heading for one of two places:  Hell in a handbasket, or another "banana republic boat ride." 

Why can't everybody just ease up on the gas pedal. . . start smelling the flowers along the road. . . and just accept things the way I explain it to them! I am hardly ever wrong - and this ain't one of them!

Now, take your miserable, worthless opinions somewhere else. We ain't got time for your nonsense. We're trying to get stuff done here.


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