Building a Lie on Florida's White Sandy Beaches . . .

 We're all Exhaustipated!

Am I the only one who remembers the Bible Story about building your house on white sandy  beaches - not even mentioning that the beach is technically inches below sea level? 

Folks, I think I can speak for darn near everyone when I say we are exhaustipated with how we have to come to the defense (of the defenseless) every year during hurricane season. 

Florida alone has 8,436 miles of coastline that is about six inches below sea level on a good day. When hurricanes come knocking, everyone with a grey cell or two will know what is going to happen along those 8,436 miles. And, there is always heavy damage inland, as well.''

I'm thinking most of us would love to move to the land of white sandy beaches, ocean breezes, three pubs five steps from everyone's lounge chair, and all kinds of pretty women in bikinis. All we would need is a $5,000 trailer house and a few square feet of sand to park it. Or, the more affluent of us could spring for a nice little seaside cottage.

What the heck; if Hurricane Harry comes to pay us a visit and leaves us with nothing, there are buckets of money from empathetic souls who will help us get back on our feet - and back to our beach home that is already sitting inches below sea lever year-round!

And, how many of these Florida folks do you think are climate change deniers, too?

Mother Nature is getting a great giggle out of us patsies. 

"Exhaustipated" just doesn't explain the half of it!


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