Stupified and Frustipated. . .

 They're laughing at us and we ain't doing nothin' about it!

Hasn't anyone even looked at the political mess we're in? 

I can remember when the Democrat Party used to stand up on its hind legs and get things straightened out post-haste! There was no chance an adversary would "run out the clock" by constant delays on court calendars. No crook ever got away with slimy and unheard of interpretations of our rule of law. The guilty never told the court if or when they would respond to subpoenas.  And if the bad guy threatened the judge, jury, or witnesses - they would go straight to jail! But, those crimes are but the tip of the iceberg.

The January 6th Insurrection was 946 days ago. That's 135 Weeks ago. That's 2.60 years ago. And that, we are being told, is possibly still years from jailing the guilty

And all the while, the guilty are cranking out donor money from their rich friends like crazy.  They need money for legal fees and trips to the next campaign junket. It's like plucking feathers from the next pan-sized chicken dinner. At least one of them - the leader of the cult - is running for President of the United States again - and he's leading with a wide margin!

We Democrats sit around a watch the entire debacle unfolding on television and in real time. . . and we seem to be content to just sit back and watch our rule of law rewrite itself.

I'm stupified and frustipated! 



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