Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Montana's Caustic Candidates. . .

The Faster They Come -  The Worser They Look

The candidates are stacking up like firewood at the old Montana Republican Headquarters. 

The Republicans are filled with pee and vinegar after they put together a supermajority in the state legislature last session. It has filled their little minds with visions of sugarplums and dancing elephants as they foresee a MAGA/Republican in every political office in Montana!

OPI Chief Arntzen is planning to move into the U.S. House, Ryan Zinke wants to stay in the other U.S. House (and he has another house in California), Tim Sheehy (the new kid on the block) will fit right in with the U. S. Senate, and Matt Rosendale will practice up on his "white nationalist hand signs" as he hopes to get the Montana Representative spot at the White Nationalist headquarters. 

These, of course, will all be possible since the Montana Republican Party has blanketed the state with their Trump/MAGA  playbook. And, the Montana Voters seem to be voting in lockstep with the "anti-democratic" movement that has taken place.

(sigh). . .  We have a lot of work to do, folks.


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