Could Montana GOP find any worse candidates?

 Delusions of grandeur

One's own belief about his power, wealth, talents, and other traits. A person may believe, for instance, that they are famous, can end world wars, or that they are immortal.

Such is a man known to Montana as Rep. Matt Rosendale. His fearless leader, Donald J. Trump, is made of the same damaged and twisted material. 

Montana - and the nation - watched  in horror at what Trump's delusional traits did to our country's political scene a few years ago. Included in this warped delusion of grandeur character flaw is a love of White Nationalism. Again, Both Trump and Rosendale are deep-in-the-woods fascinated with that concept.

Montana needs to take a very close look at Rosendale's future in Montana politics. He is about as far from what we need right now as any politician that has ever slithered into our state. 

There are others hiding in the Republican weeds in Montana, as well. Let's expose their wild and crazy ideas now!




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