A Real Live Criminal Enterprise - That Was A Joke. . .

 It was supposed to work like he said it would. It was supposed to make him not only the United States President again, but maybe even something better. Maybe after he gained full control of his criminal enterprise of nitwits and would-be thugs, he would rise to full-nation power. One tiny problem with the plan, however, was overlooked in his rush to get the lieutenants and sergeants he needed to carry out the task.  He chose, instead, nitwits and Republican clowns.

Who knew? His "base of fighters" were on board and carrying out their leader's mob wishes. The elected congressional myna birds were repeatedly broadcasting their leader's orders to all available television reporters,  and the fast-talking FOX untruthful lies-for-money was always available.

So how did it go so wrong?

"The Party told us to reject the evidence of our eyes and ears. It was the final, most essential command." That line is from George Orwell's book, 1984, and Trump thought America would fall for all of it! 

Fortunately, there were more of us than there were of them. There was more good in America than there was bad in them.

His aim was to control a criminal enterprise of cabinet-level idiots, congressional twits, seemingly hundreds of glory-seeking attorneys, and our state-level traitors. The brain and bluster of the "Cyber Ninjas" who attempted to recount Arizona's ballots and went down in flames didn't help him much, either. 

It was all a bad, bad nightmare and maybe it will end some day.

From what I can tell, the only thing it will really have accomplished for America is this: The Republican Party will be gasping for air and on life support for a long, long time.

An Opinion By
John Watson


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