A Big Glob of Orange Gunk. . .

 The wizard of ahhhs (and ooohs) is nearing the end of his yellow brick road and preparing to hide behind the curtain one more time. He will then summon the strength to throw the switch in his land of make-believe and disappear into the alleys of Emerald City.  There, he will command his Flying Monkeys to make one more flight.  They will carry a banner proclaiming to the people of America that he really did win in 2020!"

You see, it was that damn crowd down in Georgia that screwed up everything for me. 

"So, take flight, my pretties, and dive-bomb the hell out of that Atlanta judge and her minions with orange-colored water balloons!"

He cursed them all and yelled "This will be the night the lights really do out in Georgia. They will rue the day they messed with the Donald. They would . . . er, wait, they would. . . ugh. . . they would. . . "No. . . Help me, I'm melting. . . Good God!  I'm melting into a big puddle of orange gunk!"

The End.


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