Oh, give me a home where the Republicans DON'T roam.

AG Austin Knudsen Rides Again

The head of the Montana "StormTroopers" has accused one of the state's most prominent abortion providers of falsifying records and "flagrantly " violating state law by withholding required reports about sexual assault against minors and statutory rape, suggesting that similar alleged inaction by the organization "could be happening with human trafficking's victims."

These were comments made by  Republican Attorney General in a radio interview on July 3 that harken back to a conspiracy theory suggested ten years ago that the national Planned Parenthood organization abets human trafficking. 

A spokesperson for the Montana Planned Parenthood shot down Knudsen's conspiracy theory as "baseless."

This malicious charge that Planned Parenthood is encouraging or abetting someone to commit human trafficking is  "Trumpesque" and gives the current administration of Montanan Republicans an all new low.

We can't get rid of these "Montana Yahoos" fast enough!


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