Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Dangerous Game They Play

   There are allegations of political hi jinks bouncing off the walls of the U.S. House and Senate "gladiator arena."  Rumors of  whips, swords, shields, axes, hatchets, chains, nets, and various other weapons are strewn across the floor and up the aisles.

   But, don't believe a word of it.  The real fight going on today has nothing to do with politics.  While it is hard to believe, we must now accept the fact that there is something much uglier than politics being foisted upon this once-great country. The need to "win" at all cost has transcended any political battle.  And, it's need get that "win" has brought America to its knees.  Anyone who questions the ugliness will find themselves the topic of the "tweet of the hour" and banished to the garbage dump of humanity.

   "The Uncivil War" of Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Freedom Caucus Members, Tea Party Members, Conservative Republicans, Liberal Democrats, Socialists, White Supremacists,  Authoritarians, and rich old white guys in funny three-piece suits with ten-gallon hats are fighting to be "king of the mountain," and they seem to be fighting to the death.

   Instead of accusing their fellow congressional members of being head-strong members of the opposition party, they are now going for the grand coup de grace.  They are going for the most insane personal character assignation's of all time.  While knowing full-well that the television cameras are rolling, they throw caution to the wind and make the most obscene, underhanded, truth-shredding statements America has ever heard by their " supposed leaders."

   Make no mistake, there is also an outright war by the president to muzzle America's media and decertify their right to report the dirty and untruthful shenanigans of the day.  There is ONLY one "fake news" and no "alternative facts."   
   Can America get back to arguing the ideologies of our mainstream political parties?  We are very worried.  It is hard get the toothpaste back into the tube and it is harder to gather the evil and get it back into Pandora's Box.

   We believe we have crossed the line and slimmed our way into the twilight zone of something much, much worse than political in-fighting. 

   We have a president who has become the maestro who orchestrated the dangerous division among Americans by his overtly bigoted tweets and the constant delivery of so many outlandish lies!

   This president is pushing us closer to moral bankruptcy every day.  The world is watching...and the world is appalled.

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