The Fight: To Defend the Indefensible...

   We know the obvious reasons why the president attacks the media, but what is not so obvious is how well it is working with the American people.  
   Our opinion tends to believe that riling the media is an incidental benefit for Trump, compared to the real purpose of his "media-bashing" rants.  Whatever we may think of his style, we must give him credit for governing by way of thick and continuous smoke screens that are designed to misdirect his more egregious  - and indefensible - miscues.
   One of my favorite actors, George C. Scott, portrayed a "flim- flam man" in a movie years ago.  He considered himself a "real businessman," but in the persona of a bumbling buffoon.  He was a master of deceit, aided by the smoke and mirrors that misdirected his prey's attention to another, more unimportant, matter.
   The media's participation in the twists and turns of President Trump is akin to herding birds.  It is difficult for the media to defend itself against outrageous charges of "most dishonest human beings in the country" and, of course, the ever-humorous "fake news."
   When the President of the United States makes such shocking statements on national television and in his twitter rants, how many of us will grab hold of them as the "gospel truth" and, worse yet, decide to take the law into their own hands and act on them?
   Case in point:  a young man in Michigan decided this week to do just that.  He called the CNN switchboard in Atlanta and said he was on his way to kill as many of their employees as possible.  He was coming after those "fake news" guys!  CNN has been reporting for months that since Trump's charges against the media, many journalists have been receiving death threats!
   And, once Trump opened Pandora's Box, he is completely unable to close it.  It is as impossible as trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube, and he has now "loosed the hounds of Hell" as the saying goes.
   Only you, the people, can sort out his misstatements and clear up this doom and gloom that has a death grip on our country.


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