Saturday, January 13, 2018

A Tale of Two Faces

   Montana's "Rubber Stamp Steve" Daines, U.S. Senator extraordinaire, has a tendency to (1) turn one of his faces toward the eastern Congressional Republican crowd, and (2) turn his other face (backside) to the Montana crowd that elected him.
   We all remember the time he, as Montana's lone U. S. Representative, voted to shut down the government if the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) wasn't repealed. 
   Now, as Montana's very junior U.S. Senator, he has a chance to get his GOP Membership Card punched and validated once again.
   We normally don't pay much attention to what he is doing back in Washington, but the shutting down of the U.S. Government is a big thing to most Montanans.  And, we know Daines keeps pretty busy counting his money instead of his constituents.  His report card on how many times he voted with the party is very important to him, too.
   In the end, we need to do two things as we inventory the voting of Senator Daines:  (1) Watch the tally of this important vote to either "shut down the government or build that damnable "wall" next week...and (2) Watch and see if our Junior Senator hide in the weeds after he votes.
   Will he be looking to Montana when he votes, or will he be looking to his Trump/GOP Congressional Crowd?
   "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of  (a) man....the Shadow does."

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