"Make American Corporations Richer"

   President Trump told a gathering of world leaders, "America is open for business and competitive again."


   So, let's think about that for a minute.  Since the Trump Administration took the reins of power, nearly every step they have taken has been exclusively for the benefit of Corporate America, the millionaires, and the billionaires.
   There is no secret "Trump Formula" to the rise in the stock market.  Corporate America saw pesky business regulations lifted,  tax cuts for the richest, and bills passed that will take from the middle class and give to the rich.  What stock market couldn't benefit from all of that?  However, we are mostly talking about only the one-percenters and a handful of small investors.  
  We need to stop measuring the success of America's business climate by how much richer America's wealthiest have become.  The entire thrust of the Trump Administration has been to "Make American Corporations Richer."  (A new baseball cap, please, that reads MACR) 

   And that drive for the gold doesn't necessarily include our small business owners, and it doesn't include you and me, either!

   More money is the goal, gigantic greed is the driver, and corrupt politicians make it all happen.

   Yes, Virginia...there is a Santa Claus for the rich...and his real name is Donald J. Trump.



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