Our worst enemy is us...

   Here in Montana, we don't have to look far
to find our worst enemy. 
   And that is because my comic strip friend, Pogo, knew what he was talking about when he said "we have met the enemy, and he is us."
   We have a U.S. House of Representative  member that was elected and subsequently found guilty of body-slamming a member of the press to the ground and roughing him up just prior to election day...because he was asked a question he didn't want to answer!  
   We have a U.S. Senator who turned his back on his Montana constituents because of some deplorable votes he cast,  and then sheepishly hid in the weeds and held a "Montana Town Hall Meeting" ...from Washington D.C.! 
   Of course, most of us are screaming bloody murder about these two guys, but that does about as much good as spittin' into the wind.  They voted for some of the most deplorable bills that will hound America for decades.
   Montanans who voted for the Party instead of the man now look into the mirror and recognize who the enemy really is.  When will we learn?  Who are we waiting for that will tell us what a bunch of twits we really are?
   Fortunately, there is always another election.
   November 2018 is fast approaching and there is a better than even chance we can take control of the U.S. House and Senate.  Maybe we can soon take control of the Montana Legislature, too.
   It's up to us.  We only need to get off our backsides and do it.  Of course, I know many of you will need several reminders about the upcoming election this year...and how important it will be to America.
   And, I will be just the guy to do those reminders, too!



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