So simple, even a "Twit" could think of it

   Since I can remember, there has been a practice in the United States House and Senate that mystifies most every American:  Multiple issues jammed into one bill.

   Worse yet, the "secondary issues" in those bills usually stink to high heaven because they are "pet projects" of political twits who are either looking for votes or money to line their own coffers, and will seldom have a chance of passing on their own.

   Why have we allowed this to continue?

   Piggy-backing proposals are a waste of time, muddles up the efforts, and makes it extremely hard to pass good, necessary bills.

   The term "clean bill" is seldom requested, hardly ever given, and I find it unfathomable that our Founding Fathers would have chosen this as the best way to govern. My thought is that if I chose to research the matter, I would find that it was a "congressional twit" of fairly recent history who introduced the technique.

   The present - and corrupt - way of doing things is to find a bill that is very acceptable to both parties and then hold it back for attachment to another bill down the road.  It makes for great political leverage, you see. 

   So, if we should happen upon a thought that would benefit the American people instead of individual politicians or political parties, maybe we could suggest a bill that makes it unlawful for anything but "single issue bills only."

   Gee, what an idea.  And it would be so simple.

   Why didn't THEY think of it?   (surely, you jest!)




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