Public Meetings? They're for Losers...

Caricature of Daines from the internet

   Everything you ever needed to know about Montana's U.S. Senator Steve Daines is revealed in the opening remarks by John Connelly, Ryan Holm, and Dan Vermillion in today's Helena Independent Record Opinion...

   "Recently, U.S. Sen. Steve Daines introduced a bill that would strip protection from 450,000 acres of the wildest, most pristine public lands in Montana.  He concocted the bill in Washington, D.C., without holding a single public meeting or town hall to find out how Montanans would like these public lands managed in the future."

   The Junior Senator is reported to be a good friend of Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke, who is also an "alleged" Montana resident of questionable standing.  Together, it our opinion, they do not have the best interest of Montana in their hearts...only in their wallets.

   We also know that Daines does not like to be questioned in Montana Town Hall Meetings.  Thus, it is said by some that he holds them from a safe distance - like about two thousand miles away in the closet of his Washington D.C. office, with the lights out.

   Our best advice would be to yank this guy out of office at his next scheduled election.  (We understand he can do considerably more damage in the meantime, but we have few options.)  Montana does not need a senator who only does the bidding of those back east.  We don't know what he and Zinke have in mind for those 450,000 acres, but it can't be good for Montana.

   Get 'er done, Montana!




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