It's your country now, kiddo...

A gigantic problem has taken shape in America, and it will take a monstrous effort to bring it under control.  Technically, we have out-smarted ourselves with a device that is small enough to hold in your hand and heinous enough to be rightfully diagnosed by our officials as
   We have trouble, I say trouble my friends.  And that starts with "T" and rhymes with "C" and stands for "Click, Click, Click."
   In 1972, Fifty percent of our 18 to 24-year olds who were registered to vote, actually made it to the ballot boxes.
   In 2008, Forty-Four percent of that same age group voted.
   In 2012, Thirty-eight percent put down their cell phones and took the time to vote.
   In 2018...We are afraid to even guess!
   What we are talking about here is "cell phones."  We must first accept, however, that there will always be good uses for these devices.  And that will always be so.  But with our young, it has gone way beyond that. It is no longer just a threat that these machines are hard to put down...Licensed experts have gone to our government officials to work with social media companies to eliminate the emerging problem of addiction!  
   We have created a society of real-life "zombies" who need to be entertained with the screen in that little flat box  that has pulled them into its all-knowing universe.  Many of them are called "smart phones," and have the magnetic force to jerk the brain of a five to fifty-five year old right out of their skull.
   Vote in an elections?  Are you kidding me?  They hardly have time to go to the bathroom or pop the cork on bottle of winey-poo!  We could probably get ninety to ninety-five percent turnout if they could vote on that clickety-click, click thingy...but until then - forget it!
   We need these young people to get involved in the mess they are inheriting.  We need them to care about what kind of world they want to live in.  We need them to look up and see what's going on around them.  Real, honest-to-goodness communication between people - eyeball to eyeball - is not found in the instruction book of those little screens.
   But, when they are standing right next to the little blonde-haired girl and find the need to text to ask for a date....well, we've pretty much sunk our chances of a rosy, American-Dream future.


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