Thursday, November 19, 2020

Look Quick, The 'Last Best Place' is going, going, gone...

When someone opens his personal checkbook and pays millions to buy a job that will pay a small fraction of it back, you can bet there is skullduggery afoot for ordinary Montanans.

Such is the life of Montana's rich and powerful Republicans.

Multi-millionaire Governor-elect Greg Gianforte will cash in on a variety of schemes. and you can bet at the top of the list will be the sale of public lands to his rich friends.

Another victim within his perview will be our public school system.  He and Office of Public Instruction Elsie Arntzen are drooling at the thought of carving out a huge slice of that budget for private schools in Montana.  Along with the "red tide" of election winners, Arntzen beat out Melissa Romano, who was far and away the most qualified person in the race. Such can also be said about Gianforte's opponent, eight-year Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney, and Steve Daines's opponent, eight-year Gov. Steve Bullock.  It was an election of big money and power vs. ordinary Montanans... and the ordinaries lost big time!

It is, however, the scene in Montana.  The voters chose Trump and every Republican they could find on their ballot.  

It was not pretty, but, as they say, "it is what it is."  

We ordinary Montanans will get a front row seat as the show of greed, power, and personal monetary gains are featured in center ring of the biggest travesty of justice circus in the state.

And, the "red tide winners" will do their best to convince their followers that it will be good for them, too. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge.)

In the end, it will be bad for true Montanans...and even worse, bad for "the last best place," too.

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