Grandpa, was that guy really that crooked?

I awoke this morning with a wonderous epiphany.  A realization that I had the answer to what happened to America four years ago.  It was so clear.  We should have known that the way things had been going in America it was bound to happen, and we should have been watching for it.  

The disaster was right in front of our faces and we just couldn't seem to avoid it.  The screaming from the Right said, "No more politicians for president.  What we need is a good, solid businessman."

They were insistent.  They were looking for the "first coming." They were hoping for a business messiah to lead us out of the political wilderness and into the world of milk and honey of business thinking.  He would be good for everyone!  In the end, he was none of those things.  He wasn't even a good businessman.  There was a long trail of failed businesses and numerous bankruptcies in his sorted past. 

Well, they promised a lot.  They sold him to us as something great. But what happened was the greatest "bait and switch" of all time.  "See the nice businessman?  He's gonna' con you, then he's gonna' rob you, and then he's gonna' steal your dreams." And whether their antihalation  of our American way of life was planned or not, it was a complete success. The Right opened the flood gates and the new unqualified and questionable businessman-turned-president brought into the swamp the richest of the "richy-rich" as his "people."  They were mega-rich and mega-selfish.  They worked for no one but themselves and they drained our nation of resources that someone will be investigating for years.  It was a catastrophe of gigantic proportions!

The work of these con artists will be written and talked about for decades.  Hopefully, it will be in history books for our great-grandchildren and beyond to read about and learn how the time from 2017 to 2021 was known as the "Great Lies and Theft of Our Democracy."

More sinister than any of that is the seventy-plus million voters who wanted it to continue!  They still believe in the "Art of the Deal" and the "Art of the Liars."

It was a time when Americans cast three million more votes for the losing presidential candidate, but lost to the electoral votes through reported hacking of votes in the dreaded "battleground states" by none other than Russian cybercriminals. Our U.S. House impeached the president after looking at the evidence, but the U.S. Senate - remaining true to their loyalty to the "big guy" - let him remain in office by voting that they saw nothing, heard nothing, and knew nothing.

Many books have already been written about this blight and embarrassment on America's brief four-year march toward another often mentioned  Civil War nightmare.  Many more are undoubtedly headed to book publishers, also.  

These books should serve as a blueprint on what not to let happen again.  That is what "history" is supposed to teach.

We'll see. 



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