The Disruptor's Four Years of terror...

To be a disruptor is to create a way of doing things which displaces the normal activities. Disruptors are generally outsiders, and idealists rather than insiders or specialists.

A disruptor is also a person who interrupts an activity or process by causing a disturbance or problem for his own benefit.  To a disruptor, the ends will justify the means.

The best way to define the four-year term of President Donald J. Trump would be to say his primary goal was to disrupt the normal way America has generally operated since 1776.  To him, it was - and still is - with a great deal of pride that he could turn America on her head and become the political contrarian.   If policy was good for 141 years, he would go another direction - just to show us he was "his own man."  He did it "because he could." It reminds me of the famous Yogi Berra quip, "I came to a fork in the road and I took it."

The people's utter disgust with the disruptor was immense, but he had his pocket of followers, too. And if his carnage wasn't enough, his Republican enablers in the U.S. Senate and House followed his lead and seriously compounded the situation.  The totality of their lies and misdirected messaging caused the people to distrust their media.  They were told to disbelieve what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears.  This was the disruptor's constant message to the was paramount to the success of the disruptor!

At the end of his rampage of rule, he lost the popular vote by more than seven million and he lost the electoral vote by much more than enough.  As he viewed his lost, The Washington Post quotes his as "chanting like crazy King George, I won!  I won!  I won!"

But still he refuses to concede.  The numbers are verified and there is no evidence of fraudulent ballots, although he insists the race was stolen from him because there was widespread fraud.  

History will not look kindly on him, and it will not look kindly on our nation, and our democracy.  And our ability to have a sane and secure election is gone forever.  

We have allowed this man to fold, staple, and mutilate our American Dream beyond recognition.

And for that, we will all suffer immeasurably!  



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