The End Times?

An Opinion
by John Watson

If we live long enough - and I think I have - most of us will learn one very important lesson in life:  How to find the lowest common denominator of what makes people tick.

Some of us, however, are unable to see the signposts. Whether it was our intent or not, we have created a society that benefits the wealthy, rewards the selfish, heralds the corrupt, accepts the unprincipled, and casts aside the disposable.

While our capitalist friends savor the majestic documents our founding fathers handed down to us, they are quick to bend - and even break - them if it suits their personal needs.  In short, they have become adept at turning a blind eye to make the ends justify the means. 

Such is the predicament we find ourselves in today.  Our current president is testing a theory that if you lose an election, you may need to simply declare it was rife with fraud and then make someone prove it wasn't.  We all learned at a young age that it is next to impossible to prove a negative.  The president, however, is stalling for time - and heating up his "base" by pouring gas on a fire that doesn't exist.  Whether he actually has a plan in mind or not, he has neatly put our nation - and to some extent- the world on hold.

Under normal circumstances, the people would see the scheme and dismiss it out of hand.  But that would be under normal circumstances.  Today, the president has those seventy million voters who are with him until the cows come home and whether they see the scheme or not, they are attached to him at the hip.  He yells, "jump" and they say, "how high?" 

The scheme has place our national security in jeopardy because nations around the world are wondering what the hell is going on with the superpower of the world, created panic across America, and widened the political gap between us that was already far too wide.   

There are literally no winners in this tragedy.

The incoming president will start with one foot in a hole and weeks behind time. The current president's political allies in the U.S. House and Senate who have refused to stop this madness will eventually wear the stain of a selfish inability to come to the aid of their constituents.

And the current president, who started this den of iniquity, will slink away into our history books as the evil of evils. 

"A resemblance of an Antichrist will stride to a church while his warriors clear a path with clubs and pepper spray.  He will stand before the church's gate and raise a bible above his head.  It will be held upside-down.  The people will jeer at his mockery."  



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