They Shall Have No Other Idols...

Hell hath no fury like the fury of a cult scorned.

After the fall of the craven idol in Donaldville, what must we think of the future of his cult called MAGA?  What vengeance will they wreak on America for voting their towering icon out of office?  Will they all go peacefully, or will they demand the civil war they so fervently want?

We must be vigilant and not expect to see the MAGA cult go quietly into that good night.  Many experts in the study of cults have told us our serious problems may just be starting.  The advent of this particular cult was spawned by the former President of the United States.  His definition of the horde was "followers" or "base," but they are a cult by every measure of the word.  
Cult:  A system of devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.  A group of people who have beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.  A misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.  A cult personality surrounding the leader.

The MAGA cult has shown no signs of disbanding.  They seem to relish the call from their dethroned leader to "stand back and stand ready."  Whether he will beacon their return to action for his possible run for office again in 2024 -  or some other evil enterprise he may be hatching -  they will be standing tall and awaiting his orders to march.

Of course, since they are always anxious to show their dislike for our form of government, they may find a new leader and prosecute a march on our capitol.  Their lust for recognition, power, and glory will serve them well in a Second Civil War.  It will not necessarily be the south and north squaring off this time but rather their White Supremacist overlords versus the rest of us.  It will, of course, be over quickly, but it will be bloody, and the winner will exact a heavy price for the cult's foolishness.

Let's find a way to nip that tragic idea before it is hatched.

Their leader has a great obligation here.  He sired their ideas, he urged their responses, he gave the cult life, and he is now responsible for their future actions.

This morning, in Lansing, Michigan, a CNN woman reporter was trying to tell television viewers how Michigan law will work in assigning electoral votes to a presidential candidate.  There was a crowd of his "base" with bullhorns trying to shout her down not more than ten feet behind her. Their chants told the whole story about how upset they are with Michigan's choice for president. Biden had easily won their state, but winning, it seems, is no longer important.  We are now in a new era of radicalization, and losing is no longer acceptable. 

So, how this president should handle the defeat is how we have handled all election defeats:  Calmly, with dignity, grace, and a thoughtful exit.  

However, he is far from allowing that to happen.

And the cult he has spawned is not helping us one damn bit!





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