Who loosed the hounds?  

We tremble in fear.  Shall we exposed the culprit?  Who called the "hounds" forth?  Who gave them a voice?  Who gave them a stage upon which to show the world their identity?  Who gave them a free pass to bring out their venom?  Who gave them the right to turn our democracy on its head and widen the chasm already dividing our nation?  Who gave them permission to rise up against our rule of law?

Who, indeed?

None other than our current, but soon to depart, president - that's who!

I don't intend to characterize these folks as "hounds."  Most were probably decent God fearing folks who - along with the rest of us -  had their complaints about some things with our burdensome government. Okay, their personal likes were a bit over the top, such as White Supremacy, Racism, Bigotry, liberalism, KKK...things like that.  But when they were given a stage, a very large microphone, and television exposure, they went berserk!  They played it to the hilt and they got their long-awaited attention.

Their self-proclaimed and long overdue "forty-eight months of fame" were celebrated with nationwide whoopin' and hollerin' as they paid homage to the man who delivered them from their lives of shadows.

However, now that the one who delivered them is moving back into his own world of shadows,  what is to become of them?  Will another step forward and feed the "hounds" that have been loosed?  Will another supply such a generous stage for their enlightenment?  Will their free passes to live life from the dark side still be revered?  Will they still be free to divide and exploit our people?

I suppose it would be too much to ask the one who is departing to yank their passes of hostility and admit it was all a game he played on them.  They were only a means to his end, so to speak.

Yes, I suppose this gigantic problem is all ours to work out.

Good luck to us.



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