Montana Republicans - You've Done It Again

Governor-Elect Gianforte has pulled on his Trump Trousers and is showing us what he's really made of.  And folks, it ain't gonna' be pretty.

He has added a name to his team that will be tasked to find a new leader for the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks.  And that person will undoubtedly signal a leader who will send shivers down the spines of every Montanan who cherishes our public lands and wildlife.

Let me begin his resume with this:  Montana State Representative Kerry White is a personal friend of Gianforte. That will tell you a bunch.  He has been long rumored to become a part of Gianforte's administration and has spent the past few days on Facebook calling for "Democrats to be hanged over the 2020 election."  He has called Vice President Harris a "hoe" and has also been ranting deep state conspiracies."
This man's addition to the team is especially threatening to all who value the "last best place - Montana."  "The total team includes Republicans who are foes to public lands, and value wealthy and politically connected landowners over everyday Montanans," said Montana Conservation Voters Director Jake Brown."

We can probably expect to see Gianforte's big dream come to fruition as public lands are sold off to his "wealthy and politically connected" friends.    

Gianforte believes he has a mandate to ravage our beautiful state. Perhaps he gained the necessary votes to believe he has that approval, but he will find that most of those voters "knew not what he is capable of doing."  Mistakes are made, like the president who his political party gave to the nation four years ago. 

This new governor will be completely wrong for Montana, and worst of all he has anger management issues.  And that, my friends, is a terrible combination for anyone - especially as our Governor!

An Opinion By John Watson



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