A Little Traveling Music, Maestro...

In a little over fifty days, the "Losers" will be heading out of town to parts unknown.

A little traveling music, if you please, maestro!  There is nothing better to celebrate than the "Draining of the Capitol Swamp!"

If we only knew where they were all going, we could signal ahead and warn the poor souls in the path of their coming destruction.

The leader of the pack's next gig is most curious.  What is he really up to?  There are reports of a new Conservative Television Network on his horizon that would compete with his once-favorite FOX Network.  Maybe even another shot at a reality television show.  Some are tossing out the threat that he is considering a run for president again in 2024.  I don't see that.  It would be hard to top the utter failure he made of it the first time.

Then there are the lesser known unqualified, selfish, and arrogant millionaires who rounded out the "liquor" cabinet of the lil emperor. We will certainly never see another bunch of dandies as these folks: Secretary of State Pompous Pompeo, Secretary of the Treasurer Mmoney Mnuchin, Press Secretary Scatterbrain McEnany, and  Attorney General Billy the Crow-Barr, to name but a very few.

We assume they will all be in the clown car as it heads out of town, whooping and hollering about what a great job they did... for themselves and their close friends, of course. For the rest of us, not so much.  As a matter of fact, it'll take two or three presidents and many years to undo the carnage this horde has done!  The sad thing is this:  I don't really believe they give a damn!

As far as most of them are concerned, the only thing left undone is waiting to see if they'll get a pardon from the "Big Guy" to keep them out of prison.  That's about it.  The criminal enterprise they've been in involved in is already long forgotten in their small world.

However, the wicked deeds these people have done will live long after them.  Maybe it will be enough to just remember  that they will forever be branded with the horrible stench of their crimes - whether they are punished or not.

America will recover. 


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