Cow Dung On Millionaire Boots...

What in the world were you thinking of Montana GOP?  How did you let the worst of the worst grab hold of the reins?  Why did you let them shove the moderates aside and foist these bad hombres onto the state?

There is not a level-headed thinker in the bunch.  As we gaze across the state, you have dropped the hammer on some great candidates and dredged the bottom with the likes of Gianforte "the body slammer," Daines "the shadow of Trump," and Arntzen "the worm in the teacher's apple."  You also did yourself a great disservice with a smattering of hellbent-on-Montana-destruction folks in the State Legislature.

In short, you really stepped in cow dung 
up to your knees this time, Republicans!

Brady Wiseman, a former state legislator, said, "We have elected the most reactionary governor in 30 years.  And the Legislature?  The Republican legislative caucuses have self-selected the most extremist, right-wing membership for two solid decades, driving out the moderates among them.  These are not your Main Street, country club Republicans.  This is an ideologically driven wrecking crew.  They will interpret their victory as an undeniable mandate to bust out their sledge hammers and spark up their cutting torches.  Plainly speaking, we are about to be governed by the most extreme faction among Montanans at large."

We are in for a wild ride.  Most of the state Republican voters will freeze in their tracks when they see the most radical office holders in decades begin swinging that wrecking ball.  The voters will wonder what evil they have  wrought...and what miracle will be needed to undo the mess.

President Trump's wickedness has permeated across the country and, thanks to Sen. Daines, even to Montana.  Daines is still insisting that Trump will win a second term of office.

Tread lightly, Montana.  Gov. Gianforte and his horde of radical Republicans are on the loose!  Anything worth while to ordinary Montanans will be tossed aside like last week's news, while the affluent, the white, and the powerful will bask in the evil glow of far-right thinking.

The rest of us, not so much.





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