Sen. Daines is now one of the U.S. Senate DISRUPTORS. . .

Montana's Senator Steve Daines (R) gushes with pride as he shares a stage with his idol

Senator Steve Daines has shown his gross infatuation with President Donald Trump by stepping into the jaws of insanity with eleven morbidly insane and highly disruptive Republican U.S. Senators.


Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) said, "To restore confidence for Montanans and the American People, I am joining a group of senators to propose an election commission to quickly audit the election results."

He added, "the way Americans voted was altered at a scale never before imagined outside what the state legislative process intended."

It must be remembered, however, that because of the pandemic, states including Montana changed their rules and procedures to allow for more voting by mail. The current governor was sued for altering the voting practice and a judge found him to be completely within his rights to do so.  It was a change to enable more voters to participate in the election. And that is something Republicans do not like!

We must all remember one important fact about the November 2020 Election:  Not one state has indicated that they found meaningful fraud in their election process that would have changed an outcome.  Not one!  Nor has any courtroom seen evidence to turn over the election from the more than 60 law suits brought forth by the president's attorneys.


Leading this frivolous charge is Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri was the first to step up and say he was objecting to the Senate's certification of the Electoral College's results.  A week ago, all Republican Senators had been warned by their Senate Majority Leader McConnell that these threats to object would not be tolerated.

To further show their insanity, Republican Senators are suing Vice President Pence to have the power to overturn the election results by doing away with an 1887 law that spells out how Congress handles the vote count.  That power does not now exist, nor has it ever existed.

Senator Daines is full of pee and vinegar and overly puffed-up with himself since winning a second term in November and may feel he is invulnerable to criticism.  Most politicians like to think we voters have very short memories. I assure him...this insane move will not go away.  It is written into our minds with indelible ink.  


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