Monday, December 20, 2021

Montana's Mr. Grinch. . .

 You're a mean one, Mr. Knudsen

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen hasn't just stepped out of bounds and beyond his authority, but he has bullishly claimed questionable dominion over all local law enforcement of the liberal variety.

He blows into a Montana jurisdiction like a bad wind storm and completely rolls over the local law officials. In his wake, he leaves the local businesses wondering what happened to their chances of protection under the law. It appears "his" law is now "the" law! 

An unruly customer starts a ruckus in a business place - even brandishing a fire arm - and the local law enforcement takes over. Charges are made, fines are leveled, and the guilty is ready for sentencing.  Then our AG Austin Knudsen enters the picture. The "sentence" has magically changed to a fine of a few dollars and the case is closed.  On to the next city.  AG Austin has been informed of another "victim" of the big bad people who are trying to keep people safe from Covid.

The posters go out to any RIGS (Republicans In Good Standing) who need a comforting shoulder and a sympathetic ear. The word is: You now have an AG who will rush to your aid. 

Whether you are a patient in a hospital who is reportedly a RIGS, or a thug who is packing heat and isn't interested in the Covid rules of a bar/restaurant, just know that Austin will have your back.

Many are wondering if there is an even bigger story going on here. Could it be a new way this administration is looking at our rule of law in general? Do they want all cases that are of interest to them, handled only by them? The way Montana's AG is handling things is not just mysterious - but it is downright frightening, too!

Montana, we are in strange and troubling times, indeed.

An Opinion by John Watson


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