Three Dates That Will "Live In Infamy". . .

December 7, 1941 
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii attacked by 
the nation of Japan

September 11, 2001 
New York City World Trade Center Towers attacked by 
Foreign Terrorists

January 6, 2021 
America's Capitol attacked by 
Republican-incited Domestic Terrorists

The United States of America has been under severe and earth-shaking attacks three times in the past eighty years. The first two times brought our nation to war with foreign aggressors.

The third time brought our nation to war with itself. The enemy of this attack was domestic terrorists who were incited by the President of the United States, key individuals in his inner circle, various members of the Republican Party in our two houses of Congress, and willing members of such domestic terrorist groups as White Supremacists, QAnons, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and the like. The goal was to overturn a national election for the presidency. 

These three dates will, as then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt said in 1941, "live in infamy."

No one date will surpass another in importance, other than the count of causalities, because each date was action taken against our nation's soil, our citizens, our democracy, and our constitution.

Perhaps we will, however, remember the last date as the one that pains us the most because it was Americans against Americans.  It solidified the realization that our dreams to be one nation and two major political parties is not a certainty any longer. We now know that one party is not at all like the other.  One is working to bring our democracy to its knees and replace it with an authoritarian form of government. The other is not.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The action taken on January 6, 2021 came perilously close to another date of infamy:  4:30 a.m., April 12, 1861 - when Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter in South Carolina's Charleston Harbor, Less than 34 hours later, Union forces surrendered. Traditionally, this event has been used to mark the beginning of our Civil War.

Will Jan. 6, 2021 mark the day our second civil war began?



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