From Open Insurgency to Civil Conflict. . .

 The Republican Party of Trump

All of America needs to wake up and realize what almost happened on Jan. 6, 2021.

The former President of the United States, his Vice President, his Chief-of-Staff, members of his inner circle, most of the Republicans in the U. S. House and Senate, and about 10,000 thugs that breached and damaged our Capitol building, killed, and injured members of the Capitol Police as they carried out an insurrection and a coup on our government. 

Those are the facts as we now know them, and more facts are coming out, daily, about which elected officeholders in our Congress were complicit in this treasonous act!

Today, we all need to realize our country is in a very dangerous and frightening place in our history. After nearly 245 years of what has been called a "grand experiment in democracy," we find ourselves in what is described as an anocracy. That means we are somewhere between a democracy and an autocracy. As we approach the last stage of open insurgency, we are facing a mind-numbing period of civil conflict.  That - just to be clear - is a full-blown civil war!

Most Americans will approach this possibility with pessimism as they argue "that is impossible in my America."  Tell Abraham Lincoln that. Today's Republican Party of Trump not only knows better, but they actually want it to happen! Its  a case of "the ends justifying the means" for their Party's certain death spiral should they continue on their current path of destruction.

People who have had their heads in the sand the past decade or so don't have any idea what can happen. They have been bumping along in their own little world, oblivious to the dark workings this Republican Party has been up to these last five years.

You, your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will not like any part of an American civil conflict! It will go into the history books as America's Civil War II.



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