Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Treason used to be a capital offense. . .


Blood on their hands and evil in their hearts.

The Republican Party of Trump is still providing sustenance for their hero and former President of the United States.

On Jan. 4th - two days before the Jan. 6th Insurrection of our Capitol  - a power point was shown to many legislators in the U.S. Senate and House.  They received, firsthand, the plan to disrupt, create hysteria, and eventually overturn the vote count certification by the Electoral College. The Vice President was to declare Donald Trump our next president. There were notices sent out to key states to send alternate delegates to Washington instead of the designed ones. The alternates would falsely give their electoral votes to Trump instead of their state's legitimate winner: Joe Biden. Their reasoning would be the lie that there was massive fraud committed in their home state election and they would declare a new electoral winner.

There is blood on the hands of those who participated in this criminal and treasonous act and there is more blood yet to be washed off the hands of Republican Senators and Representatives who conspired with Trump and his inner circle thugs.

The names of the Trump conspirators are being exposed and the names of the Legislators will also come to light in due process.  How these legislators can still sit at their desks and committee assignments and do the work of the people is beyond belief. They have broken the sacred oaths they took as members of our Congress.

Lastly, these  Republicans who have been stained by the violent acts against our constitution and our democracy still - for some unimaginable reason - expect to be re-elected!

There is no punishment too severe for someone who has committed treason against his/her country. Their efforts at campaigning for election and re-election is beneath contempt!


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