Montana Republicans are circling the wagons around Arntzen. . .

The following are some excerpts from the Helena Independent Record of Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2021 and a closing opinion by John Watson.

"Two school boards trustees wrote a letter of 'confidence' Tuesday to Superintendent of Public Instruction Elsie Arntzen after 12 superintendents around the state questioned her leadership last week."

"The letter was sent by Mike Gehl, a trustee with Missoula County Public Schools, and Jim Riley, a trustee with District No. 89 Smith Valley in Kalispell. It includes signatures of support from 21 state senators and representatives - all Republicans - and five other school board trustees, a Kalispell City-County board of health member and a Flathead County commissioner."

"University of Montana football coach Bobby Hauck and his wife, Stacey Hauck, were also among those who signed, along with more than 500 other citizens."

"The Western Montana Liberty Coalition sent an email to its subscribers on Friday, Dec. 10, urging people to contact the office of Quentin Rhoades, a Missoula-based lawyer, to add their name to the 'Arntzen Support Letter Signatory List.'"

"Rhoades was the person who remarked, 'in jest' that people should shoot school superintendents they don't agree with on mask policies at a meeting at Crosspoint Community Church earlier this fall."


After closer scrutiny, the instigators of this "letter of confidence" for Arntzen are seemingly all Republican supporters, who have pointed fingers at the state superintendents for being political in their letter of "no confidence" to Elsie Arntzen!

This problem lies with one person - Elsie Arntzen - and should not become a political punching bag. Let's not turn it into one. There are already words being tossed about for citizen supporters of Arntzen to fire superintendents who are opposed to her while at the same time they are struggling with severely decreased assistance from her office of public instruction. 


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