Elsie Arntzen, It's time to go!

Elsie Arntzen: In 2004, Arntzen was elected to Montana House for District 53, which includes a portion of Yellowstone County. In 2012, she was elected to the Montana Senate for a four-year term. 

In 1992, Arntzen became a 5th grade school teacher for the Billings School District.

In 2016, Arntzen was elected as the Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction, which leads the state's prime education agency, the Montana Office of Public Instruction.

She is 65 years of age and from Billings, Montana. She is a member of the Republican Party. She has a BA from the University of Montana and a BA from Montana State University. 

She is currently under heavy attack from all of the state's AA schools, which represent nearly 54,000 students, and several other schools around the state, as well. The superintendents of the schools have sent her a scathing letter regarding her failure to handle the job as head of the Office of Public Instruction and concluded with a vote of "no confidence."

There have also been strong requests from various Montanans that Arntzen resign her position at OPI.  She has constantly let the people of Montana know her stance on private and charter schools over our public school system. 

Even more egregious is the ugly and heavy-handed approach to the business of our state by not only the Superintendent of the OPI but the same manner of leadership by the Governor and Attorney General.  It appears that these folks received a false idea that the "red tide" of elections gave them some kind of superior authority over our normal rules and laws and the good people of Montana.

Elsie Arntzen has found herself in a dire pickle. Employees of her office have stated they left for "personal reasons."  Some were more direct in their reasoning, but in total Arntzen has reportedly said "ninety percent of her staff" has turned over.

OPI Superintendent Arntzen must accept her failure to do the job of leadership for Montana's Public Schools and resign her position.



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