"You can't take your eyes off of them for a second. . . "

The incredible jaw-dropping plan from the Grand Old Party of  Trump to win the 2024 presidential election is beginning to come into focus for those who want to look.  The following is a news story from the Wisconsin Examiner by Ruth Conniff dated Oct. 28, 2021. It explains how the Wisconsin Republican Party officials tried to confiscate the actual voter ballots of Nov. 2020 by hoodwinking the state election officials into handing them over to GOP Party officials  for their own "audit" shell game.

"Republicans seem to figure they can get away with distorting the audit bureau's findings because most people won't actually read the report for themselves. Specifically, Vos (the GOP official) pointed to elections officials in Madison who 'wouldn't even turn over the basic ballots to have the Legislative Audit Bureau -- totally nonpartisan, totally respected - even do their job. 'But, as the LAB report itself states, the clerk in Madison who didn't turn over those ballots was merely following guidance from the U.S. Department of Justice, which warned that she could be violating the federal Civil Rights Act if she gave up physical custody of election records. 'In part as a result of this guidance from the DOJ, the City of Madison clerk did not allow us to physically handle election records,' the LAB report explains.
Rather than run afoul of federal law, the Madison clerk offered auditors the chance to view the ballots without physical custody of them. The auditors didn't take her up on that offer."

Of course, we know why they refused.

The Wisconsin Election Official said, about the Republicans who were insisting on doing their own audit of Biden's Wisconsin win, "You can't take your eyes off of them for a second."

The serious monkey business now underway in more than half of our states by the Republican Party of Trump will aim to overturn any election they lose with similar game plans. It is frightening, it is illegal, and it will mark the end of our democracy!

The most telling sentence in the above new story is this: "Republicans seem to feel they can get away with distorting the audit bureau's findings because most people won't actually read the report for themselves."

I can understand Americans who will fight to the death before losing our democracy. . . but how on earth can uninformed and disinterested Americans simply let it be snookered away from them?

And I would bet my next social security check the plan book has been sent to Helena, dusted off, Republican eyeballs scanning the pages, and visions of elections overturned in their little minds. . .  as we speak!


Opinion by John Watson



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