The Criminals Within. . .

 Traitors, All

There have been some pretty bad things said and written about Republican politics the past five years. As I review the hundreds of blogs I have posted, I guess I have done my share, too. 

We can all agree, however, that the Republican Party of Trump has become grievously traitorous, hostile, misleading, and down-right dishonest in their political fight to survive.

The folks who are pictured above are but a small grouping of what is wrong with their Party. They go out of their way to be cantankerous and  treasonous. And they are fully aware of that which they are doing to others - and to our democracy. It is not political shenanigans, it is how traitors destroy their own country. 

The traitors we are talking about are members of the Congress of the United States of America.  They were elected and sent to Washington D.C. to do the work of the people of America.

They are, instead, doing the work of getting themselves re-elected and enhancing the chances of putting their Party in control.  Gaining control is not in itself a bad thing, but their reasoning is. They are out to overthrow our democracy and rule of law! According to their own experts, they cannot win another election unless they can stop certain segments of our population from voting, and, failing that, they are setting in place a way to overturn all elections they lose.

This is a picture of traitors at work. It is a treasonous play book for saboteurs of our constitution and our democracy!  It was written by their idol - the former president - and they are proud to carry on his work.

The picture of their intent cannot be clearer. This is not rhetorical politics.  This is criminal workings by a desperate political party!

The only thing left to do is figure out how to stop them, because our democracy is on the line.


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