This former Montana Republican Governor seems to get it. . .

Former Republican Governor of Montana, Marc Racicot, spoke to a group of nearly 100 people at a Montana Taxpayers Association meeting in Helena on Wednesday. He warns, "Our fidelity is in jeopardy in America, not only in regard to the state and national constitutions, but to the country's spirit as well."  He also said,  "There are serious warning signs that the U.S. Constitution and republic are at risk." At the conclusion, Racicot was given a standing ovation.

"A people who cannot talk or listen to each other, who do not respect each other, who will not sincerely consider the thoughts of each other, who do not trust each other and who cannot reason with each other, cannot long live in freedom," former Gov. Racicot said.

In regards to the social media in general, he said, "It seems almost impossible to me to manage the noise, to control the flood of unverified and frequently inaccurate communication, conceived in anger and competition and then regretted because of all the blathering that is now a matter of public record," he said.

"How do we stop this runaway train as it picks up speed and leaves scattered all over the landscape so much destruction and damage along the way?"

"Fidelity is the exact opposite of seeking power for its own sake, which as history reveals, at the end of the day, is really a fool's errand," Racicot said.

He said the Montana Constitution requires an oath for any public office and asked what the framers had in mind when they chose "fidelity" as the guiding principle for appropriate behavior from anyone who holds public office.

He concluded with, "Let us abandon the fruitless and solitary search for power and control, and get about fixing the problems, with fidelity - so help me God.


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