Thursday, November 30, 2023

Are we men or mice?

Too Uninformed To Vote?

"Understanding the basic processes and functions of government encourages more involvement in democratic processes. Unfortunately, this fairly simple understanding of government, or civic literacy, has also declined over the last two to three decades. The point is only 51% of Americans were able to name all three branches of government. Also, 52% of Americans can't name a Supreme Court Justice, and  Woodrow Wilson Foundation study found that the majority of Americans would fail a U.S. citizenship test." (National Civic League)

An uneducated and disengaged populace creates fertile ground for misinformation to take root. Further, the advent of social media in combination with the decline of local journalism has most certainly made it easier for disinformation to spread and 52% of Americans say they regularly encounter fake news online and when it aligns with their beliefs, they will accept it. Fifty-Six percent of Facebook users can't recognize fake news, social media statistics show (Statista)

The former president took the above information and built a house for fools, which led to his presidency in 2017. If he is allowed to do it again, our democracy will be no more. He has openly promised he will bring an aggressive authoritarian rule into power!  

These words are spelled out in nearly every speech he makes. He is promising the moon and stars to his "base" in order to keep them in line and his name in front of them.  

Are we up to the challenge? 



Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Will the Real Republicans Please Stand Up?

A Republican on his knees 
begging for absolution

"I know I should have told the truth, but I didn't want to go against what's-his-name. So, rather than admit I've been lying all this time, I've decided to not run for re-election."

Trump and the Republicans were lovers,
Oh, what a clown show in love.
The GOP was loyal to Donnie,
Just as true as the MAGA above.
They were his thugs,
But now they see he's wrong.

Lawmakers are fleeing Congress at a record-clip with 13 senators and representatives announcing this month they won't seek-re-election!

"It's no wonder Republicans are running for the retirement exits given the chaos and dysfunction dominating their caucus," said Viet Shelton, a spokesperson for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee."

One potential consequence of this wave of retirements could be an uptick in Republicans who embrace the former president's MAGA movement and bring a burn-it-all-down mentality as they leave Washington.

Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo)  and Kay Granger (R-Texas), who both voted against Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) for speaker announced, "we were going to quite anyway." They could evidently see the doomsday handwriting on the wall. 

Most that are leaving have bitter words about the House leadership and its ability to govern. Obviously, those 8 or 10 radical-right MAGA terrorists still have a good bit of power. Expletive language about several of them was heard in hallways and restrooms. 

It has been a poop-show and has defined the Republican Party in such a way that many loyal members just don't want to be recognized as having any part of it.

Sadly, those leaving now could have resolved the problem a long time ago by simply telling Americans the truth!

It all begs the question:  "Will the Real Republicans please stand up?"


Saturday, November 25, 2023

When will we finally listen to the experts?

Former Federal Judge J. Michael Luttig of the U.S. Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit says according to the 14th Amendment, Section 3, Trump is in no way qualified to be on the 2024 Presidential Ballot.

Luttig, considered the most  conservative Republican judge in the country has joined a coalition of veteran lawyers and nonpartisan government watchdog groups as they fight against a far-right Republican election law challenge - one so radical that critics say it has the potential to end American democracy as we know it. The Far-Right's legal theory says that it could subvert our American democra

One of these days, we are going to start taking these legal minds seriously and clean up this mess! We cannot continue as a nation that is being controlled by Republican conspiracy theorists, liars, and thugs.

Friday, November 24, 2023

What, pray tell, can we be thankful for?

I am proud to announce my 2023 award 
to another Genuine Republican Twit

It has been reported today that Mikey Johnson, "Temporary" U.S. Speaker of the House, has thrown his endorsement to Donald Trump to become the next United States President. He immediately traveled to Trump's Mar-a-Largo home and bowed to kiss his..,um...ring.

The Republican stars are beginning to line-up in the universe for the highly anticipated government coup. When the alignment is complete and their authoritarian Grand Poo-Paw is in the Oval Office, the coven of evil will be declared official.  There will be the muttering old Majority Leader of the Senate and the  hapless young and inexperienced simpleton as House Speaker who will take turns carrying the crown for "the great one."

But only the simpleton will be crowned " Political Turkey of the Year" this time. In the coming days, watch Mikey closely. He's what you might call an "up and coming loser."

Life gets tedious, don't it?

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Mr. Blowfish is on a rampage. . .

Mr. Blowfish is telling us every day and in every speech how he is going to bring great retribution upon his adversaries who have turned on him as he outlines his next term of office. In order to succeed, he will bring into the Executive Branch the Department of Justice. That will give him total control over who he can send to prison! He will than gag our national media and produce his own distribution of lies.

If you go to your history books, you will read how every one of the world's authoritarians began their drive for power in the very same way. While we have been told that Mr. Blowfish doesn't read much, there are a bevy of Republicans who are, evidently, more than anxious to tell him what to say and what to do.

How many of us are there to make sure he doesn't succeed?

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

So many Conspiracy Theories to boggle the mind. . .

Sixty years ago today, a "another day that will live in infamy" occurred in Dallas, Texas.  President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed during a ride with his wife, the Texas Governor and his wife, in a motorcade through town. 

Many details of that day have been chewed to pieces by umpteen television specials and books. The most enduring thing for me, however, is the gigantic impression it made on the mind of this twenty-five-year-old kid. Not the precise event, perhaps, but the media and political coverage that lasted for seemingly months. We all looked for answers. We all wanted to know who - and why.

Here we are, sixty years later, and we still have no solid answers to hang our hats on. There are, of course,  unanswerable happenings that today we would call "conspiracy theories." And, it's commonplace for politicians to threaten other people who stand in their way. Today, our rule of law is bent, stapled, and mutilated by biased, politically-appointed judges and high-priced attorneys who will be happy to bend and stretch the truth for a client. It's a cruel new world.

So, what stuck with me the most is why would someone shoot our  president - and why?  Well, the "why" will never be answered and "who" seems to be iffy, at best.  Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested but he was shot and killed while in police custody by a man named Jack Ruby. Ruby is also deceased and we didn't get a chance to hear his story, as well. A cover-up? By today's standards, it would be a lulu!

Regardless, my life was forever changed and I suddenly had a craving to learn much more about our government and what is happening that someone isn't telling us. 

How can this be happening within the walls of the "shinning city on the hill?" Who is really running things around here?

So, today, sixty years later we still have few answers to the real story of the Kennedy assignation - only more stories. 

. . . and many, many more conspiracies are clogging up our ability to cope!


Monday, November 20, 2023

The man and his maniacs. . .

 America's Wayward Man-Child

I turned on the television this morning to the sounds of Trump's "mouthpiece" arguing with the judge in open court about why Trump should be allowed to threaten judges, court personnel, prosecutors and all of their families. Think about that for a minute!

It's 2023 and we're still in some kind of a democracy, aren't we? And our rule of law is still in force. . . isn't it?

The chaos that this one authoritarian and insane man has put us through since Jan. 20, 2017 has been profoundly debilitating to our nation and its people. We have been stretched about as far as possible.

To actually watch a mentally deranged individual try to bring down the greatest democracy on the face of the planet was not on anyone's radar. I must be fair in assessing blame, however. It has taken the majority of the Republican Party to assist in the endeavor. 

Worst of all - the man and his maniacs are still alive and still trying to bring down our nation!

America, it's time to get off our butts and remove the problem.


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Thanks For The Beautiful Gifts. . .

It Should Be Enough 
That I Say I'll Be A Good Boy now!

At my age, I've received about all of the fancy-schmancy trips I'll ever need, more than enough of the free money I'll every want, and one gorgeous motor home will last me the rest of my life.

What more could Ginny and I possible want? Thanks, rich guys!  We've enjoyed the ride!

Being a conservative Justice on the United States Supreme Court has been a blast. The favors all of those conservative rich donors have asked of me was nothing. I was glad to fill their requests. Maybe the rest of the country got a little upset, but what the heck - I can't please all of them.


Clarence and Ginny

Sunday, November 12, 2023

The war has been announced, the battle plans have been set. . .

His Next Rule Over All?

If his destiny doth prevail, the world will quake in its orbit as the quasi-dictator makes yet another appearance. While his natty attire is frayed around the edges, his blood-thirsty promise of retribution still smolders under the surface. His evil still lurks and his plans for total domination and death of our democracy is always fresh in his mind. 

His promise for the next time he ascends to the throne include the gathering of "those departments that will give him total authority over his enemies and political opponents. The thought of such a person to hold dominion over all of us is not only frightening, but it is the recipe for a total authoritarian rule.

When pundits speak of such fears on television, the response is always the same: "Balderdash!"

It isn't of course balderdash. . . it is honest-to-God truth! And the sooner we realize it, the better off we'll be. He came close to prosecuting a coup of our government and the overturning of our election. Think about it!

Today, he has even more supporters from the MAGA/Republican Party to march with him. These "enemies of America" smell blood in the water and have become true believers of his cause.  His popularity is measured by his 40%+ lead over any other presidential candidate in his Party.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved - I do not expect the house to fall --but I do expect it will cease to be divided."  Pres. A. Lincoln  (1858)

Many, many members of the the MAGA/Republican Cult are actively plotting an overthrow of the next election if they lose. Election officials are being threatened daily and a bevy of laws have been passed in many states to make voting harder for people. The entire process of rigging our elections has been underway since 2020. 

Friday, November 10, 2023

How Civil War 2.0 began. . .

Capt. George S. James
Confederate Army Officer

The honor of firing the first shot of America's first Civil War was offered to former Virginia congressman, Roger Pryor. Pryor refused, and at 4:30 a.m., April 12, 1861, Captain George S. James ordered his battery to fire a 10-inch mortar shell, which soared over the harbor and exploded over Fort Sumter, South Carolina's Charleston Harbor. Less than 34 hours later, Union forces surrendered. Traditionally, this event has been used to mark the beginning of the Civil War. 

The first shot of the second civil war was offered to Donald J. Trump, President of the United States January 20, 2021. He quickly accepted the chance to begin the war and ordered Marjorie Taylor-Greene to begin shooting. When her rifle was empty, Lauren Boebert was designated to shoot next. The shooting continued through the ranks of deranged and glory-seeking domestic terrorists within the United States House of Representatives. (Save this because MAGA Representatives will never let it see the light of day in any history book.) 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Who let the devil enter our midst?

We all recognize at least a few of these men. There is the dictator of Russia in the middle. the ruler of China is second from the right, the dictator of Turkey is on the right and the two on the left are also men of authoritarian status in their respective countries. The people in all of their countries only have freedom when these men give it to them. This is the power Donald J. Trump wants in his "next term."

 The Next American Election Will Not Be Republican vs. Democrat
It will be democracy vs. autocracy

Oh, how Donald wished he was in that photo. He so wants to be among the dictators of the world. He so wants to be the ruthless ruler of the country of America. This is what he promises, if elected, to the American people. 

He has said the Department of Justice will be under his Executive Branch's control. That will be decreed in his second day on the job. On his first day, all of the media will be placed under his control and if anyone refuses, they will be sent to prison. 

Trump will systematically take control and seek retribution on all of his "enemies" that worked and talked against him in his first term. It will be a bloody undertaking.

Ironically, his MAGA base - who will be instrumental in electing him - will quickly find that they will not be handed immunity from his wrath. In order to attain his control in America, he will find it necessary to play no favorites, even those who have carried him to power. He will be loyal to no one. 

Such is an authoritarian, an autocrat, a dictator, a ruler. . . whatever you wish to call him.  In the end, they only hunger for power and complete dominance over all of us!