Will the Real Republicans Please Stand Up?

A Republican on his knees 
begging for absolution

"I know I should have told the truth, but I didn't want to go against what's-his-name. So, rather than admit I've been lying all this time, I've decided to not run for re-election."

Trump and the Republicans were lovers,
Oh, what a clown show in love.
The GOP was loyal to Donnie,
Just as true as the MAGA above.
They were his thugs,
But now they see he's wrong.

Lawmakers are fleeing Congress at a record-clip with 13 senators and representatives announcing this month they won't seek-re-election!

"It's no wonder Republicans are running for the retirement exits given the chaos and dysfunction dominating their caucus," said Viet Shelton, a spokesperson for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee."

One potential consequence of this wave of retirements could be an uptick in Republicans who embrace the former president's MAGA movement and bring a burn-it-all-down mentality as they leave Washington.

Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo)  and Kay Granger (R-Texas), who both voted against Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) for speaker announced, "we were going to quite anyway." They could evidently see the doomsday handwriting on the wall. 

Most that are leaving have bitter words about the House leadership and its ability to govern. Obviously, those 8 or 10 radical-right MAGA terrorists still have a good bit of power. Expletive language about several of them was heard in hallways and restrooms. 

It has been a poop-show and has defined the Republican Party in such a way that many loyal members just don't want to be recognized as having any part of it.

Sadly, those leaving now could have resolved the problem a long time ago by simply telling Americans the truth!

It all begs the question:  "Will the Real Republicans please stand up?"



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