Thursday, November 9, 2023

Who let the devil enter our midst?

We all recognize at least a few of these men. There is the dictator of Russia in the middle. the ruler of China is second from the right, the dictator of Turkey is on the right and the two on the left are also men of authoritarian status in their respective countries. The people in all of their countries only have freedom when these men give it to them. This is the power Donald J. Trump wants in his "next term."

 The Next American Election Will Not Be Republican vs. Democrat
It will be democracy vs. autocracy

Oh, how Donald wished he was in that photo. He so wants to be among the dictators of the world. He so wants to be the ruthless ruler of the country of America. This is what he promises, if elected, to the American people. 

He has said the Department of Justice will be under his Executive Branch's control. That will be decreed in his second day on the job. On his first day, all of the media will be placed under his control and if anyone refuses, they will be sent to prison. 

Trump will systematically take control and seek retribution on all of his "enemies" that worked and talked against him in his first term. It will be a bloody undertaking.

Ironically, his MAGA base - who will be instrumental in electing him - will quickly find that they will not be handed immunity from his wrath. In order to attain his control in America, he will find it necessary to play no favorites, even those who have carried him to power. He will be loyal to no one. 

Such is an authoritarian, an autocrat, a dictator, a ruler. . . whatever you wish to call him.  In the end, they only hunger for power and complete dominance over all of us!

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