What, pray tell, can we be thankful for?

I am proud to announce my 2023 award 
to another Genuine Republican Twit

It has been reported today that Mikey Johnson, "Temporary" U.S. Speaker of the House, has thrown his endorsement to Donald Trump to become the next United States President. He immediately traveled to Trump's Mar-a-Largo home and bowed to kiss his..,um...ring.

The Republican stars are beginning to line-up in the universe for the highly anticipated government coup. When the alignment is complete and their authoritarian Grand Poo-Paw is in the Oval Office, the coven of evil will be declared official.  There will be the muttering old Majority Leader of the Senate and the  hapless young and inexperienced simpleton as House Speaker who will take turns carrying the crown for "the great one."

But only the simpleton will be crowned " Political Turkey of the Year" this time. In the coming days, watch Mikey closely. He's what you might call an "up and coming loser."

Life gets tedious, don't it?


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